Grains of Peace Values Charter — English

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Grains of Peace Values Charter

The Values Charter is the fundamental act by which all members of the Grains of Peace foundation relate and interact with others.

It aims to be the encouragement and inspiration for all initiatives taken by the foundation in its internal and external relations.

We hope that it will inspire you and will continue to inspire more people here and around the world.

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Grains Of Peace's Charter Of Values

The values of Grains of Peace are all those who favor a peace dynamic that enables us to build durable, peaceful relations. Peace is understood in its largest sense: family, schools, sports, work, groups, ethnicities, countries. A desire for peace in all of our relations is the driver.

Our conviction is that the violent potential of individuals and groups can be transformed via an education to peace from a very young age and through reflexes of peace in everyday life, rooted in human values.


Human values privileged by the members of Grains of Peace.

Respect, appreciation and empathy, as well as any other human values are those which connect us to each other's humanity. Human values are our best tools for peace.

The refusal of violence, considered as unacceptable in all its forms: physical, verbal, psychological, moral... through self-respect and respect of others.


Operational Values of Grains of Peace.

To favor peace dynamic, we work within the following principles:

We operate in a spirit of openness and cooperation

We operate with integrity, loyalty and honesty in our relations and interventions.

We raise awareness of the non-acceptability of violence so the norm is no longer violence, but peace.

We adopt peace reflexes as alternatives to violence.


Educational Values

We emphasize "full quality education", ie the widening of quality education (SDG 4) to include developing key skills aiming to prevent violence in all its forms, build a culture of peace towards humans and nature in our everyday lives and on a global scale.


This Charter is founded on three key concepts

Human values:

The values which encourage the linkage to others by touching each other's humanity with our own.

The unacceptability of violence:

Everyone has a limit beyond which violence becomes unacceptable.

Peace reflexes:

Any act of immediate appeasement of a person, group or situation in response to violence or to signs of potential violence about to happen.


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