Jeanne Lievens — English

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Jeanne Lievens


Children’s Rights Specialist - Project Manager, Switzerland 

Jeanne specialises in the field of children’s rights and children’s rights education and published her thesis on: “L’Éducation aux droits de l’enfant : l’exploration d’un concept nouveau et son incidence sur la visibilité de la Convention relative aux Droits de l’Enfant en Suisse romande”.

Her experience in the Geneva and Brussels community, in socio-educational and cultural activities, as well as in the coordination of educational projects, allows her to exercise a critical, interdisciplinary eye in the co-creation of educational resources as closely as possible to the needs of the field and to accompany the actors in the development of their skills.

Jeanne has a Master’s degree in Children’s Rights and a Bachelor of Arts in Modern French and Psychology.

“I am extremely stimulated to be working daily for the transformation of educational practices and postures and emphasising the importance of Global Education. I really appreciate the systemic approach encouraged by Graines de Paix. A positive change can only take place in an educational context where adults and children are both recipients and providers of an education for a culture of peace.”