Edivanda Mugrabi — English

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Edivanda Mugrabi


Head of Pedagogy and Training Unit

Passionate about teaching, I have been involved in voluntary educational projects since I was 15 years old. My studies in literature, followed by a master’s degree and a doctorate in educational sciences have allowed me to nourish and enrich my reflexions and my commitment. This is how I have happily taken on the role of a teacher at all levels of the education system: in primary and secondary classes and at university.

I have always been sensitive to cultural minorities and convinced that diversity is an asset. My field experience in South America, then in Africa, reinforces my conviction that a more equitable world depends on quality education that excludes no one and respects the values and practices of ancestral peoples. Alongside trainers, teachers, supervisors and managers of ministries of education in many countries, I am happy and proud to work on major educational projects in the service of social transformation at all levels of society.

My encounter with Graines de Paix is part of this long educational journey. I sincerely believe that the construction of a better world can only be done with the help of an education open to human values and the development of emotions, the founding pillars of the Graines de Paix pedagogy.

The mission that I have been entrusted with is to inspire the actors in the educational system to change their attitude in order to encourage the development of well-formed minds and the intelligence of the heart in the children and youth of the world. This mission aims to stimulate students’ reflection, to encourage their maturity and to raise awareness and clear positions. It aims to develop a capacity to be present to others and to oneself and to enter into the depth of the exchange that only a quality, global and inclusive education with human values as a common thread can bring about!