Lebanon - Convention Signed, July 2017 — English

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Lebanon - Convention Signed, July 2017

The initial phase of the programme, which took place in May 2017 and lasted for 12 days, has just been officiated with the signature of the Minister of Education allowing Graines de Paix to proceed with the installation of an educational resource production and training programme in partnership with CRDP (the Pedagogical Research and Development Centre).

During this phase, we visited schools, spoke with students, professors and teachers and listened to their problems and difficulties. We learned for example, that the minister responsible for teacher support receives two or three calls per day from teachers who have been victims of verbal aggression and feel unsure of how to react.

Similarly, we have been able to interview 30 educational specialists and persons in charge of curriculum to discuss their needs for training programmes that will help teachers to transform their practices and approach.

These visits and interviews have allowed us to come to an agreement with the president of CRDP. This agreement was just signed by the Lebanese Minister of Education in July.

Now it is a matter of rolling out different stages of the programme to prevent violence while also supporting academic progress.

  • Experiential sessions aim to better teacher’s educational approaches and practices to avoid physical and psychological violence affecting both students and teachers. We have paid particular attention to students’ need to feel respected, considered and included, which are key factors to avoid, among other things, the risk of future radicalisation.
  • Other experiential sessions will develop psychological, intercultural, and ecological competencies of students as well as their ability to reflect and understand.
  • The Growing-Up in Peace Collection will be adapted and translated into Arabic and English. These volumes will serve as the foundation for teacher training and afterwards when teaching students.

These educational goals are also essential for contributing to security and harmony in Lebanon, a country which could soon become a useful model for stabilising the Middle East.

This cause brings with it significant challenges, thank you in advance for your support!

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